Suggestions for Daily Devotions

Daily Office Liturgy

Morning Prayer 

External link: Daily Morning Prayer Liturgy (Word)

Midday Prayer

External Link: Daily Midday Prayer Liturgy (Word)

Evening Prayer

External Link: Daily Evening Prayer (Word)


under construction

External Link: Compline Liturgy

Online compline worhip is available on ZOOM  at 7:00 PM on Fridays

ZOOM Compline Link:

Meeting ID: 605 598 0245
Password: 0601

Family Prayer

External Link: Family Prayer Liturgy (Word)

Reading the book of Psalms

The link below groups the psalms with common themes.

Selections of Psalms

Recitation of the Psalms is central to daily worship throughout the Christian Tradition. Anglicanism at the time of the Reformation established that the entire Psalter should be read in the Daily Office every month

Link to: Traditional_one-month_psalter

An alternate sixty-day cycle of shorter psalm readings is also printed alongside the readings in this lectionary. Proper psalms for the feasts of Epiphany, the Presentation, the Annunciation, the Transfiguration, All Saints’, and Christmas have been included within the sixty-day psalm cycle.

Link to: Daily_Office_Lessons-Psalms

For any day, the psalms appointed may be reduced in number according to local circumstance, provided that the entire Psalter is read regularly. If only one Office is prayed in a day, any of the psalms appointed for that day may be used.

Reading the Book of Proverbs based on the day of month.

For example, on the first day of the month read Proverbs Chapter 1, and so forth

Optionally for months that have less that have less than 31 days, one can read all the remaining chapters on the last day of the month.